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The 10 Day iPhone App Bootcamp - NEW iOS 12 and Xcode 10
1 - Welcome (2:03)
2 - How to be a Champ (8:23)
3 - Installing Xcode (1:42)
DAY 1 - The Fundamentals
1 - Day 1 Intro (2:55)
2 - Xcode Walkthrough (11:02)
3 - Variables and Constants (10:22)
4 - Strings and Ints (5:31)
5 - Comments and Print (7:12)
6 - Lables (9:49)
7 - Outlets (10:41)
8 - Buttons (7:59)
9 - If Statements (9:47)
10 - Counting (7:23)
Source Code
DAY 2 - More Swift
1 - Day 2 Intro (0:41)
2 - Math and Doubles (9:34)
3 - Floats and More Math (6:30)
4 - TextFields (9:37)
5 - Textfield Data (9:22)
6 - String Interpolation (7:50)
7 - Booleans (9:55)
Source Code
DAY 3 - Joke Bank App
1 - Day 3 Intro (1:10)
2 - Arrays (11:03)
3 - Sketch Joke Bank (3:32)
4 - TableViews (7:59)
5 - Two Questions (7:15)
6 - TableViews and Arrays (7:27)
7 - Segues (11:09)
8 - Pass The Joke (11:38)
9 - Showing the Jokes (14:03)
Source Code
DAY 4 - Advanced Swift
1 - Day 4 Intro (0:50)
2 - Functions (11:00)
3 - Return (8:18)
4 - Classes (10:39)
5 - Methods (7:00)
6 - Joke Class (7:32)
7 - Why Classes Are Cool (11:36)
8 - Optionals (17:28)
Source Code
DAY 5 - ToDo List
1 - Day 5 Intro (1:25)
2 - Sketch ToDo (3:46)
3 - TableView Practice (13:01)
4 - Create ToDo Design (14:21)
5 - Creating a ToDO (8:37)
6 - Reloading the TableView (8:29)
7 - Passing the ToDo (14:43)
Source Code
DAY 6 - CoreData
1 - Day 6 Intro (1:04)
2 - Entity (6:44)
3 - Save Into CoreData (8:38)
4 - Pulling From CoreData (17:08)
5 - Delete From CoreData (10:32)
6 - Hello App Challenge (3:30)
7 - Hello App Solution (11:35)
Source Code
DAY 7 - Images and the Camera
1 - Day 7 Intro (0:56)
2 - Sketch Collector (6:12)
3 - Design (11:40)
4 - ImageViews (12:00)
5 - ImagePickerController (8:03)
6 - Dictionaries (8:02)
7 - Saving Collactables (11:19)
8 - Displaying Images in TableViews (8:49)
9 - Swipe Delete (8:19)
Source Code
DAY 8 - Bitcoin Price Tracker
1 - Day 8 Intro (1:15)
2 - Sketch Bitcoin (4:19)
3 - Design (13:35)
4 - APIs (11:54)
5 - JSON (8:43)
6 - Main Thread (6:30)
7 - Currency Formatter (8:08)
8 - UserDefaults (14:34)
Source Code
DAY 9 - Machine Learning
1 - Day 9 Intro (1:29)
2 - Machine Learning (12:02)
3 - Design (5:05)
4 - Adding a TableView (6:33)
5 - CoreML in Action (16:31)
6 - Loops (11:10)
7 - Show Results (9:25)
8 - Using Images (12:07)
Source Code
DAY 10 - App Store and Making Money
1 - Day 10 Intro (1:48)
2 - Paid Developer Account (6:48)
3 - Certificates and Profiles (21:19)
4 - App Icons (7:45)
5 - Submit Your App (14:49)
6 - Workng For a Company (5:30)
7 - Freelancer (10:05)
8 - Your Apps (5:14)
9 - What to do (3:28)
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3 - TableView Practice
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